Friday, May 4, 2012

Boxing career 

      Muhammad Ali was rated at the heavy weight class in boxing.  He fought in a total of 61 fights, 56 of which he won, and 37 of which he won with a KO.  Ali was first introduced into boxing from a police officer/boxing coach that taught him how to box when he saw Ali getting into a rumble with a thief trying to steal his bike.  Winning 6 golden gloves and the Amateur Athletic Union title, Ali would soon move to the 1960 Greek olympics.  At the Olympics he had won the Light Heavyweight gold medal for boxing.  After he won the gold at the olympics he returned to Louisville, Kentucky where he entered in his first professional boxing fight.  He won that fight by a six-round decision over his opponent.  During the years of 1960-1963 he had won a total of 15 fights with a record of 19-0.  In the year 1963 Ali won the fight of the year in a 10-round decision.


  1. Good information,possibly try adding more?

  2. I like your intro it has a good hook. but you need to flesh it out more

  3. Nice start, I would definitly add more. In the third sentence I would change the number 6 into the word six. In the following sentence take out the "had" infront of "won".

  4. More? Sources?

    Consider the assignment: tell us why we should care about him.

  5. Good job and good information, maybe consider adding a little more?

  6. It defiantly needs more info but other than that its good.

  7. Nice choice. You may want to add more information about his life more then just how many people he's knocked out. But it looks great otherwise.

  8. good summary, needs more detail. He is a pretty famous boxer so i would expect there would be a lot of imformation on him
